file iso android
Android adalah platform open source dan karena fleksibilitas ada sejumlah besarandroid emulator untuk PC tersedia secara online yang akan membantu Anda untukbermain permainan favorit dan aplikasi Anda secara langsung pada komputer Andadengan sangat sedikit usaha.Namun Anda tidak dapat mengalami pengalamanandroid asli karena emulator ini dimodifikasi dan kebanyakan dari mereka memilikiketerbatasan dan membatasi instalasi beberapa aplikasi dan game definisi tinggi.Dalam kasus tersebut, tutorial ini akan membantu Anda untuk menjalankansemua android versi di sistem Anda tanpa ada pembatasan.
Keuntungan menjalankan Android langsung pada PC Anda:
1. beberapa emulator populer seperti biru tumpukan diperbarui baru-baru ini dansetelah itu RAM persyaratan minimum untuk menginstal telah meningkat hingga 2 GBdari 1 GB.Sehingga pengguna mereka yang memiliki 1 GB RAM tidak menginstalemulator dan juga komputer Anda harus memiliki high-end konfigurasi untukmenjalankan permainan berkualitas tinggi atau itu akan benar-benar memperlambatPC Anda.Sehingga sebagian besar pengguna kehilangan pengalaman nyata androidtetapi jika Anda menjalankannya secara langsung Anda dapat melakukan apa pundengan itu dan Anda akan mengalami efek android asli nyata.
2. Anda akan memiliki akses langsung ke Google Play Store dan layanan Google Playakan diinstal secara default.
3. dapat berjalan pada ukuran layar yang akan mengakibatkan pengalaman gamingyang nyata.
Alat-alat yang diperlukan:
USB Stick (atau) DVD/CD
PowerIso, Rufus untuk membuat Bootable Flash Drive atau DVD.
Bagaimana menjalankan Android L secara langsung pada PC tanpa Android VirtualBox atau Emulator:
Ikuti langkah-langkah untuk instalasi android langsung disebutkan di bawah ini.Hal iniumum untuk semua versi dimulai dengan 5.0 Lollipop terbaru, Kitkat (4.4 – 4.4.4), JellyBean (4.1-4.3.1), Ice Cream Sandwich (4.0-4,04) dan juga untuk Gingerbread, Froyo dansarang lebah.
Pertama menciptakan sebuah bootable usb atau CD yang menggunakan alat-alatyang disebutkan di atas.Anda dapat menemukan langkah demi langkah metode untukmembuat bootable flashdisk di posting ini.
Kemudian restart PC Anda dan tekan key(F12) boot untuk masuk ke menu boot.
Selanjutnya pilih boot dari USB dan dalam jendela berikutnya pilih Jalankan tanpainstallation(first option).
Selesai Android OS akan langsung berjalan di sistem Windows Anda.
What is new?
See what we are doing now...
- 2015-01-01: The Android-x86 4.4-r2 released (the second stable release of kitkat-x86).
- 2014-12-25: The new kernel branch android-3.18 is available in the git server for testing.
- 2014-11-06: The lollipop-x86 branch is ready for developers.
- 2014-11-04: Google released the source code of Android 5.0 (Lollipop).
- 2014-09-14: An image for ASUS Transformer Book T100TA is released for testing.
- 2014-08-28: The kitkat-x86 branch is updated to Android 4.4.4_r2 release (Kitkat-MR2.2).
- 2014-08-08: The Android-x86 4.4-r1 released (kitkat-x86).
- 2014-07-31: The installer now supports read-write mode installation on ntfs and vfat.
- 2014-05-20: The Android-x86 4.4-RC2 released (kitkat-x86).
- 2014-04-18: Add ntfs/exfat/ext4 support to vold.
- 2014-02-14: The Android-x86 4.4-RC1 released (kitkat-x86).
- 2013-12-17: The kitkat-x86 branch is updated to Android 4.4.2 release (kitkat-mr1).
- 2013-12-10: The kitkat-x86 branch is updated to Android 4.4.1 release.
- 2013-11-04: The kitkat-x86 branch is ready in It's in early stage and buggy. Call for developers.
- 2013-11-01: Google announced Android 4.4, the KitKat release.
- 2013-07-25: Test build 20130725 of jb-x86 based on Android 4.3 is ready for downloading.
- 2013-07-24: Google announced Android 4.3. The source code is released.
- 2013-06-23: Android-x86 4.0-r1 is released.
- 2013-06-08: Joe Spencer created a supported device list.
- 2013-02-28: A new test build of jb-x86 is available for downloading.
- 2013-01-16: The jb-x86 source tree is ready for downloading.
- 2013-01-02: Android-x86 at Google code is unbanned. Thanks to everyone who help this.
- 2013-01-01: IMPORTANT!! MUST READ: Android-x86 was blocked by Google code.
- 2012-12-25: Merry Christmas! The first test release of jb-x86 is available for downloading.
- 2012-11-20: We begin the jb-x86 porting based on Android 4.2.
- 2012-07-15: Android-x86 4.0-RC2 is released.
- 2012-07-11: Intel contributes x86 Dalvik JIT support to AOSP.
- 2012-06-26: Dalvik patch for arm translator from BuilDroid is merged.
- 2012-04-10: The ics-x86 branch is updated to Android 4.0.4.
- 2012-02-27: Android-x86 4.0-RC1 is released.
- 2012-01-01: Test build 20120101 is released.
- 2011-12-25: New testing ics-x86 isos supporting hybrid format are available.
- 2011-12-24: The is back and supports smart http transport.
- 2011-12-20: The is down for maintenance. In the meantime please use the SourceForge mirror.
- 2011-12-10: Display issue of Intel i915/i965 for ics-x86 is solved. More ics-x86 images are available.
- 2011-12-01: The ics-x86 branch is ready for developers. Download the testing iso for AMD tablet...
- 2011-11-23: Android-x86 3.2-RC2 (honeycomb-x86) is released.
- 2011-10-31: New target amd_persimmon is added (contributed by AMD).
- 2011-10-30: The gingerbread-x86 branch is updated to Android 2.3.7.
- 2011-08-28: Android-x86 2.3 RC1 (Test build 20110828) is released.
- 2011-08-08: The gingerbread-x86 branch is updated to Android 2.3.5, hardware acceleration enabled for some targets.
- 2011-07-04: The ethernet support is added to gingerbread-x86 branch.
- 2011-06-28: Android-x86 2.2-r2 is released.
- 2011-05-10: The mouse patch is added to gingerbread-x86 branch.
- 2011-05-05: The gingerbread-x86 branch is updated to Android 2.3.4, API level 10.
- 2011-04-20: The gingerbread-x86 branch is updated to Android 2.3.3.
- 2011-04-08: The froyo-x86 branch is updated to Android 2.2.2 based.
- 2011-04-02: We have 4 million pageviews now, and around 242,275 pageviews come from android-x86 installed machines. Check out "Some Statistics about Project" for more details.
- 2011-04-02: AMD donates T56N/E1 development boards to
- 2011-03-30: The build break in gingerbread-x86 branch has been fixed. The patch is in the download section.
- 2011-02-10: TegaTech donates three Tega v2 tablets to
- 2011-01-26: Gingerbread-x86 branch is ready to download.
- 2011-01-13: Android-x86 2.2 is released.
- 2011-01-01: Test build 20110101 is released.
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